- American Standards (IFI )
- Metric Fasteners – DIN, ISO, JIS
- Military and Aerospace Fasteners – NAS, MS, AN, NASM , MIL, SAE
- NA, MA ( Metric ) specifications
- Bearings
- Bolts – 12 point – Socket- High Tensile Strength
- Bushings
- Band Wire Markers
- Cable Ties
- Wire and Accessories
- Connectors
- Precision Contacts
- Cap-Plugs
- Fittings- Hydraulic
- Grommets - Edge
- Handles
- Heat Shrink Tubing
- Hinges
- Inserts- Locking – Tangless
- Keys - Woodruff
- Knobs
- Labels
- Locknuts
- Machine Screws
- Nameplates

- Nut Plates
- Nut Rings
- Hex Nuts
- Nylon Fastener Components
- Sealing O-Rings
- Sealing Screws
- PCB Standoffs
- Panel Fasteners
- Pins- Dowel- Clevis-Cotter-Spirol
- Plugs – Sealing
- Quick Release Pins
- Retaining Rings
- Rivets
- Rivet-Nuts
- Screw Machine Components
- Springs
- Stampings
- Switches
- Tape
- Washers
E-Z Fastening Solutions, Inc.
640 Brooker Creek Blvd., Suite 425
Oldsmar, FL 34677
sales@ezfastening.comPhone: 813-854-EZFS (3937)
Fax: 813-854-3672